1. DIN 4150-2: Vibrations in buildings–Part 2: Effects on persons in buildings, June 1999.
2. VDI 2038 Part 2: Serviceability of structures under dynamic loads, June 2012.
3. ISO 10137: Bases for design of structures–Serviceability of buildings and walkways against vibrations, November 2007.
4. Website: Institute of Structural Analysis and Dynamics, University of Kaiserslautern, http://www.bauing.uni-kl.de/en/sdt, 2017-01-25.
5. S. Das, L. Green, B. Perez, M. Murphy, Detecting User Activities using the Accelerometer on Android Smartphones (2010), https://www.truststc.org/education/reu/10/Papers/DasGreenPerezMurphy_Paper.pdf, 2017-04-27.