1. Golovina.S.G. Konstruktsii i arkhitekturnaya forma obyektov zhiloy istoricheskoy zastroyki (s uchetom rekonstruktsii Sankt-Peterburga). [Design and architectural form of residential historic buildings (including the reconstruction of St. Petersburg)] (2008) Thesis, Sankt-Peterburg, 145 p.
2. Information from: http ://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrium_(Architektur).
3. Information from: http://www.passage.spb.ru/pda/about/passage/.
4. Law of Saint-Petersburg «On the boundaries of protection areas of objects of cultural heritage and on the conditions of using the land in the above boundaries and on the introduction of changes into the law of Saint-Petersburg “On the master plan of Saint-Petersburg and on the boundaries of the protection areas of cultural heritage in the region of Saint-Petersburg».
5. Regulatory document 2.2.1/ “Gigiyenicheskiye trebovaniya k insolyatsii i solntsezashchite pomeshcheniy zhilykh i obshchestvennykh zdaniy i territoriy” [Hygienic requirements for solar exposure and sunlight protection of dwelling houses and public buildings and areas].