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2. Vuksanovic, D., Nikitin, Y., Murgul, V., Vatin, N., Pukhkal, V. Glazing design for exhibition pavilions based on translucent structures under winter conditions during cold periods (2014) Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol. 680, pp. 499-503.
3. Nemova, D., Murgul, V., Golik, A., Chizhov, E.,Pukhkal, V., Vatin N. Reconstruction of administrative buildings of the 70s: the possibility of energy modernization (2014) Journal of Applied Engineering Science, Vol. 12 (1), pp. 37-44.
4. Pukhkal, V., Murgul, V., Vatin, N. Central ventilation system with heat recovery as one of the measures to upgrade energy efficiency of historic buildings (2014) Applied Mechanics and Materials (2014) Vols. 633-634, pp. 1077-1081.
5. Murgul, V. Features of energy efficient upgrade of historic buildings (illustrated with the example of Saint-Petersburg) (2014) Journal of Applied Engineering Science, Vol. 12 (1), pp. 1-10.