1. State program of the Russian Federation “Environmental protection for 2012-2020”: [state. program: it is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation 15 Apr. 2014], Moscow, 2014, 174 pp.
2. The state report “About a state and about environmental protection in 2013” [An electronic resource]. - Access mode: http://ecogosdoklad.ru/2013/wwwAir1_1.aspx.
3. The state report “About a state and about environmental protection of the Russian Federation in 2011”, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 [An electronic resource]. – Access mode: http://www.mnr.gov.ru/regulatory/list.php?part=1101.
4. The state report “About a state of environment of the Russian Federation in 2013” [An electronic resource]. Access mode: http://ecogosdoklad.ru/2013/wwwAir1_1.aspx.
5. The review of a state and environmental pollution in the Russian Federation. Roshydromet [An electronic resource]. Access mode: http://www.meteorf.ru/product/infomaterials/90/.