1. United Nations, Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 20 December 2013. 68/221 International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies, 2015., A/REE/68/2(February 2013), 68 p. session agenda item 21 (b).
2. Daylight as a driver of change 6th Velux Daylight Symposium London 2-3 September 2015. (Eds.), Velux, Available at: http://thedaylightsite.com/symposium/about/.
3. K. Steemers, Architecture for Well - being and Health. In: Daylight as a driver of change 6th Velux Daylight Symposium London 2-3 September 2015. London.
4. M. Andersen, Lecture. Experiencing a daylit space – physiological, visual and perceptual dynamics of daylighting. Daylight as a driver of change 6th Velux Daylight Symposium London 2-3 September 2015.
5. P. Littlefair, Daylighting for people with sight loss. In: Daylight as a driver of change 6th Velux Daylight Symposium London 2-3 September 2015. London.