1. Conflict Dynamics International. Humanitarian Access in Situations of Armed Conflict: Practitioners’ Manual. Version 2. Cambridge; 2011.
2. For example, internet use in Africa rose from 0.4% to 26.5% between 2000 and 2014. See Internet World Stats, “Internet World Stats: Usage and Population Statistics,” http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats1.htm [accessed 8 October 2015]. Further, between 2008 and 2014, the percentage of adults in sub-Saharan Africa using mobile phones jumped from 19% to 39%, and is forecast to hit 49% by 2020. The use of smart phones in sub-Saharan Africa is also growing tremendously: “[M]obile data traffic is forecast to see a twentyfold increase from 2013 to 2019, around twice the global growth rate.” See GSMA Intelligence. The Mobile Economy: Sub-Saharan Africa 2014. London; 2014. p. 2 and 8.
3. See Open Data Kit, https://opendatakit.org/[accessed 8 October 2015], and Kobo Toolbox, https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/applications/kobotoolbox [accessed 8 October 2015].