1. “Comparisonof Typical GTRE and Axial flow Compressor Blade sections in Cascade at Low speed” by A. Richard Felix, NACA TN 3937.
2. “Effect of Tunnel configuration and Testing Technique on Cascade Performance” by John R. Erwin and James C. Emery, NACA TN 2028.
3. “Gas Turbine Theory” by Saravanamuttoo, Cohen H and Rogers, G.F.C. published by Pearson Education Ltd.
4. “Low speed cascade investigation of compressor blades having loaded leading edges” by James C. Emery, NACA TN4178.
5. “Systematic two dimensional cascade tests of NACA 65-series compressor blades at low speed” by Herrig, L.J. NACA TN 1368.“Turbines Compressors and Fans” by Yahya.S.M, Third Edition and published Tata McGraw Hill Company Ltd in 2005.