1. H. Dittmar, and G. Ohland, The New Transit Town: best practices in transit-oriented development, Island Press, Washington, D.C., 2004.
2. A. Bell, This TOD Strategic Action Plan was developed through extensive collaboration with Metropolitan Council staff, local government partners and other stakeholders. (2013).
3. Calthorpe Associates in association whit Minter Associates, Transit-Oriented Development Design Guidelines for Sacramento County. Sacramento county planning & community development department. (1993). Information on http://www.mrsc.org/govdocs/m58catodguidelines.pdf.
4. T. Still, Transit-Oriented Development: Reshaping America's Metropolitan Landscape, On Common Ground, Winter, 2002.
5. I. Carlton, Histories of Transit - Oriented Development: Perspectives on the Development of the TOD Concept. (2007). Information on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tehran_Metro.