1. Austroads, Guide to pavement technology part 4D: Stabilised materials, AGPT04D-06, Austroads, Australia, 2006.
2. PCA, Soil-cement laboratory handbook, Portland Cement Association, Chicago, Illinois, 1956.
3. Austroads, Guide to pavement technology part 2: Pavement structural design, AGPT04A-08, Austroads, Australia, 2010.
4. NCHRP, Guide for mechanistic-empirical design of new and rehabilitated pavement structures, Final Report, Project No. 1-37A, National Cooperative Highway Research Program, USA, 2004.
5. Y. S. Yeo, Characterisation and classification of cement treated crushed rock basecourse for Western Australian roads, Ph.D. Thesis, Curtin University, Western Australia, Australia, 2011.