1. International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook, 2011 edition, pp. 187-189.
2. Ibid, pp. 620-621.
3. GKM Project, http://setis.ec.europa.eu/activities/project-mapping/ccs/HWTI%20-%20II.pf, http://www.kraftwerkforschung.info/en/perspective/show/.
4. Joint effort between IGCAR, BHEL and NTPC for India's first 800 MW coal-fired Advanced Ultra Supercritical plant, http://indianpowersector.com/2011/01/india-to-have-its-first-coal-fired-ausc-plant-by-2017/.
5. A. Dieulin, C. Landier, M. Subanovic, V. Knezevic, E. Cini and A. Schneider, V&M's innovative contribution to the challenges of present and future conventional power plants, VGB Power Tech, 11 (2011).