1. Building Regulations 1992 (SR 1992/150) Schedule 1, The New Zealand Building Code, New Zealand Government, Wellington: New Zealand, 1992.
2. International Fire Engineering Guidelines – Edition 2005, Australian Building Codes Board, Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia, 2005.
3. Compliance Document for New Zealand Building Code Clauses C1, C2, C3, C4 Fire Safety, Amendment 9, Department of Building and Housing, Wellington, New Zealand, 2011.
4. C/VM2 Verification Method: Framework for Fire Safety Design – for New Zealand Building Code Clauses C1-C6 Protection from Fire, Department of Building and Housing, Wellington, New Zealand, 2012.
5. Fleischmann, C.M., 2011. “Is Prescription the Future of Performance-Based Design?” Fire Safety Science - Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium, International Association for Fire Safety Science, pp. 77-94.