1. ITU-T Recommendations Z.140-142 (2002): The Testing and Test Control Notation Version 3 (TTCN-3), Rec. Z.140: TTCN-3 Core Language, Rec. Z.141: Tabular Presentation Format for TTCN-3 (TFT), Rec. Z.142: Graphical Presentation Format for TTCN-3 (GFT). ITU-T, Geneva (Switzerland)
2. ETSI European Standard (ES) 201 873 (2002/2003): The Testing and Test Control Notation Version 3 (TTCN-3), Part 1: TTCN-3 Core Language, Part 2: Tabular Presentation Format for TTCN-3 (TFT), Part 3: Graphical Presentation Format for TTCN-3 (GFT), Part 4: Operational Semantics, Part 5: The TTCN-3 Runtime Interface (TRI), Part 6: The TTCN-3 Control Interfaces (TCI). European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI), Sophia-Antipolis (France).
3. J. Grabowski, A. Wiles, C. Willcock, D. Hogrefe, On the design of the new testing language TTCN-3, in: H. Ural, R.L. Probert, G. von Bochmann (Eds.), Testing of Communicating Systems–Tools and Techniques, vol. 13, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2000
4. ITU-T Recommendation X.292 (1998): OSI Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework for Protocol Recommendations for ITU-T Applications––The Tree and Tabular Combined Notation (TTCN). ITU-T, Geneva (Switzerland)
5. ISO/IEC International Multipart Standard 9646 (1994–1998): Information Technology––Open Systems Interconnection––Conformance Testing Methodology and Framework. International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneva (Switzerland)