1. Perkins (Ed.), IP mobility support for IPv4, IETF RFC 2002, October 1996
2. EURESCOM Project P1013-FIT-MIP, First steps towards UMTS: Mobile IP services, a European test-bed, http://www.eurescom.de/public/projects/P900-series/p1013/P1013.htm
3. FIT-MIP Project Results, Deliverable 1: Definition of terminology for mobile IP/definition of IP services in the mobility context, September 2000
4. FIT-MIP Project Results, Deliverable 2: Reference architecture and test specifications for a mobile IP-based core network, March 2001
5. FIT-MIP Project Results, Deliverable 3: Architectures and requirements to provide and test mobile IP services, Practical tests and demonstrations, Conclusions, September 2001