1. Melkie mlekopitaiushchie iz razreza stoianki Molodova 1 [Small mammals from the section of Molodova I site];Agadjanian,1982
2. Melkie Mlekopitaiushchie Pliocen-Pleistocena Russkoi Ravniny [Pliocene–Pleistocene Small Mammals of the Russian Plain];Agadjanian,2009
3. Mikhailovka -– Opornyi Razrez Pleystotsena Tsentra Russkoy Ravniny [Mikhailovka – the Pleistocene Key Section of the Central Russian Plain;Agadjanian,1986
4. Zheltye pestrushki Eolagurus (rodentia, microtinae) pleistotsena russkoi ravniny [Pleistocene yellow steppe lemmings Eolagurus (rodentia, microtinae)] of the Russian plain;Agadjanian;Bull. komissii po izucheniy chetvertichnogo perioda [Bull. Quat. Comm.],1983
5. Gryzuny Antropogena Evropeiskoi Chasti SSSR [Anthropogene Rodents of European Part of the USSR];Alexandrova,1976