1. Audio magnetotelluric data for geothermal exploration in northwest of Saudi Arabia;Seventh International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, Al Ain, UAE, 16–19 October 2023;2024-03-12
2. Groundwater study using audio-magnetotelluric data at Falaj Mazyad in the eastern Abu Dhabi Emirate, Al-Ain region, UAE;Seventh International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, Al Ain, UAE, 16–19 October 2023;2024-03-12
3. Identification of shale gas existence based on 2-dimensional magnetotelluric data in the Kutai basin, East Kalimantan, Indonesia;Journal of Physics: Conference Series;2024-03-01
4. Geobody estimation by Bhattacharyya method utilizing nonlinear inverse modeling of magnetic data in Baba-Ali iron deposit, NW Iran;Heliyon;2023-11
5. Geothermal Resource Mapping in Northern Botswana Inferred from Three-Dimensional Magnetotelluric Inversion;Applied Sciences;2023-10-12