1. FY-1999 progress report for the advanced technology development program, US Department of Energy, Office of Advanced Automotive Technologies, 1000 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20585-0121, March 2000.
2. USABC Electric Vehicle Battery Test Procedures Manual, Revision 2, DOE/ID-10479, January 1996.
3. PNGV Battery Test Manual, Revision 2, DOE/ID-10597, August 1999 (A new version of this manual has been released: PNGV Battery Manual, Revision 3, DOE/ID-10597, February 2001).
4. PNGV Test Plan for ATD 18650 Gen 1 Lithium-Ion Cells, Revision 4, EHV-TP-103, December 1999.
5. R.B. Wright, C.G. Motloch, Calendar-life studies of advanced technology development program Gen 1 lithium-ion batteries, Report DOE/ID-10844, March 2001.