1. D. Beyleveld, The Dialectical Necessity of Morality: An Analysis and Defense of Alan Gewirth’s Argument to the Principle of Generic Consistency, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1991.
2. D. Beyleveld, Does preimplantation diagnosis solve the moral problems of prenatal diagnosis? A rights analysis, in: E. Hildt, S. Graumann (Eds.), Genetics in Human Reproduction, Ashgate, Aldershot, 1999, pp. 135–140.
3. D. Beyleveld, The moral status of the human embryo and fetus, in: D. Beyleveld, H. Haker (Eds.), Ethics of Genetics in Human Procreation, Ashgate, Aldershot, 2000, pp. 59–84.
4. D. Beyleveld, R. Brownsword, Law as a Moral Judgment, London Sweet & Maxwell, 1986, (Reprinted 1994 by Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield).
5. Articles 21 and 22 of the Convention on Human Rights & Biomedicine: Property and Consent, Commerce and Dignity;Beyleveld,1998