1. Annema, J.A.A., Van den Brink, R.M.M. 1997. Verkeer en vervoer in de Nationale Milieubalans 1997. (Traffic and transport in Environmental Balance 1997.) National Institute of Public Health and the Environment, Bilthoven (in Dutch, with English summary)
2. AMS 2000. Testjahrbuch 2000 (Car Test Annual 2000) Auto Motor und Sport, Stuttgart
3. ANWB 1998. De Autokampioen, vol. 1998. ANWB (Royal Dutch Touring Club), The Hague
4. ANWB 1999. De Autokampioen, Vol.1999. ANWB (Royal Dutch Touring Club), The Hague
5. AVV 1998. Verkeersgegevens Jaarrapport 1997 (Traffic Data; Annual Report 1997) AVV (Transport Research Centre), Roterdam (in Dutch)