1. K. Simpson. Forensic Medicine. Edward Arnold, London, 1969.
2. L. Adelson. The Pathology of Homicide. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1974.
3. W.U. Spitz. Gunshot wounds. In: W. Spitz, R. Fisher (Eds.). Medicolegal Investigation of Death. Charles C Thomas, Springfield, IL, 1980, pp. 216–274.
4. K. Sellier. Schusswaffen und Schusswirkungen. Schmidt-Römhild, Lübeck, 1982.
5. V.J.M. Di Maio. Gunshot Wounds: Practical Aspects of Firearms, Ballistics, and Forensic Techniques. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 1985.