1. 〈www.svo.se〉, accesssed on June 2, 2007 contains analyses and information about the aftermath of the stormfellings, also in English.
2. Björheden R. Mängden biomassa i de stormfällda skogarna i Götaland. [The amount of biomass in the stormfelled forests of south Sweden]. An investigation for the Swedish Research Institute of the Defence, SFFI, unpublished, available through the author, 2005.
3. Håkansson M. MD of Södra Skogsenergi AB (Södra Forest Energy Ltd.). Personal communication April 2005.
4. Johnsson U. MD of VEAB (Växjö Energy Ltd). Personal communication April 2005.
5. Løvenskiold Kveseth B. CEO Norskog Forest Owners Association, Article on markets for wood products, 〈www.skoginfo.no〉 (article ID 2986, accessed July 17, 2005).