1. D.T. Gottuk, F.W. Williams, Multi-criteria fire detection: a review of the state-of-the-art, NRL LTR RPT Ser 6180/0472, September 10, 1998.
2. SamDetect, Daimler-Benz Aerospace, RST Rostock Raumfahrt und Umweltschutz, Friedrich-Barnewitz-Str. 7, Warnemünde D-18119.
3. D.T Gottuk, S.A. Hill, C.F. Schemel, B.D. Strehlen, S.L. Rose-Pehrsson, R.E. Shaffer, P.A. Tatem, F.W. Williams, Identification of fire signatures for shipboard multi-criteria fire detection systems, NRL/MR/6180-99-8386, June 18, 1999.
4. Standard for Single and Multiple Station Smoke Detectors,1993
5. Standard for Smoke Detectors for Fire Protective Signaling Systems,1981