The remarkable population size of the endangered clam Tridacna maxima assessed in Fangatau Atoll (Eastern Tuamotu, French Polynesia) using in situ and remote sensing data


Andréfouët Serge1,Gilbert Antoine2,Yan Laurent3,Remoissenet Georges4,Payri Claude5,Chancerelle Yannick6


1. University of South Florida – College of Marine Science, Institute for Marine Remote Sensing 140, 7th Avenue South, St Petersburg, FL 33701, USA

2. BP 140 094 Arue, Tahiti, French Polynesia

3. BP 1658 Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia

4. Service de la Pêche BP 20 Papeete, Tahiti 98713, French Polynesia

5. Laboratoire Terre-Océan Université de la Polynésie Française BP 6570 Faaa-Aéroport, Tahiti, French Polynesia

6. Centre de Recherches Insulaires et Observatoire de l'Environnement BP 1013, 98729, Papetoai, Moorea, French Polynesia


AbstractSeveral lagoons of the Eastern Tuamotu Atolls (French Polynesia) are characterized by enormous populations of the clam Tridacna maxima, a species considered as endangered in many locations worldwide. This unique resource is virtually intact, until recently being impacted only by local consumption. Increasing exports to Tahiti's market (up to 50 tonnes of wet matter y−1), combined with the relatively small size of these lagoons (<50 km2), have raised significant concerns for agencies charged with management of lagoonal resources. In order to evaluate whether the current harvesting pressure threatens long-term sustainability of this resource, it is necessary to estimate the total number of individual clams present and also the fraction of that stock that is currently targeted by fishers, who generally collect clams in very shallow waters (<1 m), walking on the reef edges. Here, we present results for a pilot study evaluating this resource at Fangatau Atoll. Using a combination of data collected in situ and three remotely sensed images with different spatial resolution (1.5, 5.6, and 30 m), we estimate that the shallowest lagoonal areas (4.05 km2 at depth <6 m) harbour five classes of benthic habitat with significantly different clam areal covers and densities. Considering the cover/density values for each habitat class, 23.65 ± 5.33 million clams (mean ± 95% confidence interval) inhabit these 4.05 km2. Assuming that current harvesting techniques will be maintained in the future, the commercially available stock represents 44% of the population located on 1.18 km2 of the shallow lagoon. A comparison of results from the three remote sensing platforms indicates that high resolution, broadband multispectral sensors (e.g. IKONOS, Quickbird) should provide the best existing platforms to conduct similar assessments elsewhere.


Oxford University Press (OUP)


Ecology,Aquatic Science,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics,Oceanography

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