1. ARL (1991) Radiation Doses from Mammography in Australia, J.E.M. Thomson, B.F. Young, J.G. Young and D.R.C. Tingey. Australian Radiation Laboratory, ARL/TR101 May 1991
2. Commonwealth Department of Human Services and Health (1994) National Program for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer-National Accreditation Requirements: March 1994. Canberra, Australia, December
3. ICRP (1987) Statement from the 1987 Como Meeting of the ICRP. Reference terms for estimates of radiation dose for X-ray mammography. Report 52, Publication 52: iii–iv International Commission on Radiological Protection. Pergamon Press Oxford
4. NHMRC (1995) Recommendations for limiting exposure to ionizing radiation (1995), In Radiation Health Series, No 39, National Health and Medical Research Council, June 1995. Australian Government Publishing Service
5. RACR (1994) Mammography Quality Control. American College of Radiology, 1992