1. J. Barton, R. Rogers, Chemical Reaction Hazards: A Guide to Safety, Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), Rugby, UK, 1997.
2. CCPS, Guidelines for Chemical Reactivity Evaluation and Application to Process Design, AIChE, New York, 1995.
3. CCPS, Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, 2nd ed., AIChE, New York, 1992.
4. H. Koseki, Y. Iwata, Study on risk evaluation of hydroxylamine/water solution, in: Proceedings of the Conference on Beyond Regulatory Compliance: Making Safety Second Nature, Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Center, Texas A&M University, October 2001.
5. NTSB, Hazardous Materials Accident Brief, Chemical Reaction During Cargo Transfer, Whitehall, MI, June 4, 1999.