1. G.M. Ritcey, A.W. Ashbrook, Solvent Extraction—Principles and Applications to Process Metallurgy, Part I, Elsevier, 1984.
2. G.M. Ritcey, A.W. Ashbrook, Solvent Extraction—Principles and Applications to Process Metallurgy, Part II, Elsevier, 1979.
3. Henkel, Minerals Industry Division Red Book, Chemistry of Metals Recovery Using LIX Reagents, 1989.
4. Jackson G. Jenkins, Plant practices and innovations at magma copper San Manuel SX-EW plant, presented at CIM (20th Annual Hydrometallurgical) Meeting, 1990.
5. Charles R. Merigold, LIX reagent solvent extraction plant operating manual for small and medium size leach-solvent extraction—electrowinning copper recovery operations, Henkel (Minerals Industry Division) Technical Publication, 1994.