1. CIMAH—where are we now;Cassidy;J. Loss Prev. Process Ind.,1988
2. Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazard Regulations, SI 1984/1902, HMSO, London, 1984.
3. The Council of European Communities, Council Directive of 9 December 1996 on the control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances, European Council Directive 96/82/EC, Official Journal of the European Communities No L 10, pp. 13–33.
4. T. Maddison, P. Sargent, European major hazards legislation and warehouse storage—an UK update, IChemE Loss Prevention Bulletin, No. 132, December 1996.
5. I.P. McKay, The possible effects of the Seveso II Directive on emergency planning at major chemical sites, IChemE Loss Prevention Bulletin, No. 131, October 1996.