1. D.J. Bakker, The influence of atmospheric deposition on soil and surface water quality in The Netherlands, Delft, The Netherlands, TNO Institute of Environmental Sciences, Report R95/013, 1995, 84 pp.
2. K.D. van den Hout (Ed.), The impact of atmospheric deposition of non-acidifying pollutants on the quality of European forest soils and the North Sea, Delft, The Netherlands, TNO Institute of Environmental Sciences, Report R93/329, 1994, 143 pp.
3. D.J. Bakker, K.D. van den Hout, G.J. Reinds, W. de Vries, Critical loads and present loads of lindane and benzo(a)pyrene for European forest soils, Delft, The Netherlands, TNO Institute of Environmental Sciences, Report R94/288, 1994, 44 pp.
4. G.J. Reinds, J. Bril, W. de Vries, J.E. Groenenberg, A. Breeuwsma, Critical and present loads for cadmium, copper and lead for European forest soils, Wageningen, The Netherlands, DLO Winand Staring Centre, Report 96, 1995, 91 pp.
5. W. de Vries, D.J. Bakker, Manual for calculating critical loads of heavy metals for soils and surface waters, Preliminary guidelines for environmental quality criteria, calculation methods and input data, Wageningen, The Netherlands, DLO Winand Staring Centre, Report 114, 1996, 173 pp.