1. C. Kirchsteiger (Ed.), Lessons learnt from accidents, Proceedings of a Seminar held on 16–17 October 1997, Organised by the European Commission, European Process Safety Centre (EPSC), Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten (BMwA, Austria), European Commission, DG JRC, EUR 17733 EN, Ispra (1998).
2. C. Kirchsteiger, Using modern database concepts to facilitate exchange of information on major accidents in the European Union, Proceedings of the ESREL'97 International Conference on Safety and Reliability, Lisbon (June 1997).
3. G. Drogaris, Major Accident Reporting System: Lessons Learned from Accidents Notified, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1993).
4. K. Rasmussen, The Experience with the Major Accident Reporting System from 1984 to 1993, European Commission, DG JRC, EUR 16341 EN, Ispra (1996).
5. Council Directive 96/82/EC of 9 December 1996 on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances (`Seveso II'), Official Journal of the European Communities, Luxembourg (1997).