1. PIANC, Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material: A Practical Guide, PIANC Working Group 19, PIANC, Brussels, Belgium, 1992.
2. PIANC, Dredged Material Management Guide, PEC Special Report, Supplement to Bulletin No. 96, 1997.
3. USACE, Beneficial Uses of Dredged Material, EM 1110-2-5026, US Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC, 30 June 1987.
4. NYSDEC, Upland Management of Navigational Dredge Material Regulation, Summary of Proposed Amendments to 6 NYCRR, Part 360, Solid Waste Management Facilities, New York, March 1997.
5. B. Fitzpatrick, 1998. Personal communication, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.