1. M.W. Golay, J.D. Dulik, F.A. Felder, S.M. Utton, Project on integrated models, data bases and practices needed for performance-based safety regulation: final report, MIT Report MIT-ANP-TR-060, December 1998.
2. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Guide, 1.9. Rev. 3, July, 1993.
3. P.W. Baranowsky, Evaluation of station blackout accidents at nuclear power plants: technical findings related to unresolved safety issues A-44, Draft report for comment, USNRC Report NUREG-1032, 1985.
4. Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, Section 65 (10 CFR 50.65).
5. USNRC, Use of probabilistic risk assessment methods in nuclear regulatory activities, USNRC Proposed Policy Statement, Fed. Register, Dec. 1994.