1. Swaziland Country Profile;World Bank,2014
2. World Health Organization. Swaziland: WHO Statistical Profile 2012. Available at: www.who.int/gho/countries/swz [Last accessed 2/27/2016].
3. CIA Factbook. Swaziland 2014. Available at: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/wz.html [Last accessed 7/15/2016].
4. Emergency Preparedness Response. Division of the Ministry of Health. Available at: www.epr.org.sz [Last accessed 2/27/2016].
5. The Emergency Medicine Network. The National ED Inventories Survey Instrument. Available at: http://www.emnet-nedi.org [Last Accessed 10/1/2016].