1. Photon-induced dissociation with a four-sector tandem mass spectrometer
2. Hill, J. A.; Kochling, H. J.; Biemann, K. Proceedings of the 42nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics 1994, 1035.
3. Gimon, M. E.; Kinsel, G. R.; Russell, D. H. Proceedings of the 42nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics 1994, 961.
4. Gardner, B. D.; Vlasak, P. R.; Beussman, D. J.; Enke, C. G.; Watson, J. T. Proceedings of the 42nd ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics 1994, 1037.
5. Fourier-transform electrospray instrumentation for tandem high-resolution mass spectrometry of large molecules