1. RosettaNet Implementation Framework: Core specification version: V02.00.01, March, 2002. Available from: .
2. P. Bunter, R. Hertlein, R. Khalaf, A. Nadalin, An approach to moving industry business messaging standards to web services. To appear online on IBM DeveloperWorks.
3. F. Curbera, Y. Goland, J. Klein, F. Leymann, D. Roller, S. Thatte, S. Weerawarana, Business Process Execution Language for Web Service v1.1, May, 2003. Available from: .
4. Exception handling in the BPEL4WS language;Curbera,2003
5. B2B integration over the internet with XML: RosettaNet successes and challenges;Damodaran,2004