1. California Air Resources Board, 2006. OFFROAD2007, Sacramento.
2. California Air Resources Board, 2008. Climate Change Scoping Plan, Appendices. Analysis and Documentation, vol. II. A Framework for Change as Approved December 2008 pursuant to AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, Sacramento.
3. California Department of Transportation, 2006. Bid Summary. Devil’s Slide Tunnel, Sacrament.
4. California High-Speed Rail Authority, 2008. Addendum/Errata to Final Program EIR/EIS for the Bay Area to Central Valley Portion of the California HST System, Sacramento.
5. Chang, B., 2009. Initial Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Construction of the California High Speed Rail Infrastructure: A Preliminary Estimate. Masters Thesis. Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Davis.