1. Barschdorff D. & Nitsche W. 1986, Parallel processor system for failure diagnosis on technical components, Proc. of the 4th IMEKO International Symposium on Technical Diagnostics, Dubrovnik, 5.1-5.4.
2. Barschdorff D. 1990, Case studies in adaptive fault diagnosis using neural networks. Proc. of the IMACS Annals on Computing and Applied Mathematics MIM-S2, 3-7, Sept, Brüssels, pp. III.A.1/1-1/6.
3. Barschdorff D. & Monostori L. 1991, Symbolicism and connectionism: rivals or allies in intelligent manufacturing?, Proc. of The 23rd CIRP International Seminar on Manufacturing Systems, 6-7 June, Nancy, France, Section 3, 14-28.
4. Barschdorff D. Monostori L. Ndenge A.F. & Wöstenkühler G.W. 1991, Multiprocessor systems for connectionist diagnosis of technical, processes, Computers in Industry, Elsevier, Spec. Issue on Learning in Intelligent Manufacturing Systems, 131-145.
5. Barschdorff D. Monostori L. Kottenstede T. Warnecke G. & Müller M. 1993, Wear estimation and state classification of cutting tools in turning via artificial neural networks, Tooldiag'93, International conference on Fault Diagnosis, April 5-7, Toulouse, France (accepted paper)