1. De Filippi A. Goffi M. Ippolito R. PutvirentiS., “Energy Management in a Production Plant”, 8th International Symposium: Production Management in Metal-Working Industry, Belgrade, May 1978.
2. De Filippi A. IppolitoR., “Some Design Measures to Minimize the Electric Energy Consumption of Machine Tools”, 4th International Conference on Production Engineering, Tokyo, August 1980.
3. De Filippi, A., IppolitoR., “Forecast of the Electric Energy Requirement in a Mechanical Plant by using a Stochastic Model”, 30th CIRP General Assembly, Melbourne, August 1980.
4. IppolitoR., De FilippiA., “Energy Savings by Proper Machine Tool Management”, Western Metal and Tool Conference and Exposition, Los Angeles, March 1979.