1. Behavioral Health Coordinating Committee Prescription Drug Abuse Subcommittee, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Addressing Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States: Current Activities and Future Opportunities. Published September 2013. https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/pdf/hhs_prescription_drug_abuse_report_09.2013.pdf. Accessed 31 March, 2018.
2. National Center for Health Statistics. Vital Statistics Rapid Release: Provisional Drug Overdose Death Counts;Ahmad;Updated February 9,2018
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4. New Mexico Legislature. 2001 Regular Session - *HB813: Administering Opioid Antagonists. https://www.nmlegis.gov/Legislation/Legislation?Chamber=H&LegType=B&LegNo=813&year=01. Accessed 31 March, 2018.
5. Davis C, Chang S, Carr D, Hernandez-Delgado H. The Network for Public Health Law. Legal Interventions to Reduce Overdose Mortality: Naloxone Access and Overdose Good Samaritan Laws. Updated July 2017. https://www.networkforphl.org/_asset/qz5pvn/legal-interventions-to-reduce-overdose.pdf. Accessed 31 March, 2018.