1. “Multiple Lupus after Measles and other Fevers.”;ADAMSON;British Journal of Dermatology,1904
2. FORCHAMMER. Archiv. f. Dermatologie, XCII., p. 3. “The Finsen Treatment at the London Hospital,” 1900—1913. J. H. SEQUEIRA. Lancet, June 14, 1913, p. 1655. “Observations on the Opsonic Treatment.” A. REYN and KJER-PETERSEN. Ibid., March 28, 1908, p. 919. The valuable series of papers in the Reports of the Finsen Institute are worth study. “Lupus and its Operative Treatment,” by E. LANG, with results of 240 cases, Vienna, 1905. Pfannenstiel's Method. OVE STRANDBERG. Berlin. Klin. Woch., January 23, 1911, p. 106, and J. H. SEQUEIRA. British Journal of Dermatology, XXIII., p. 327.
3. RÖNA. International Congress, Paris, 1900. LESELLIERS. Ann. de Derm. et de Syph., November, 1906, p. 897.