1. Zinsser, H., Castaneda, M. R., and Mooser, H.: Official Year-Book, No. 32,1939. Canberra, 1939.
2. Zinsser, H., Castaneda, M. R., and Mooser, H.: (Tasmania Branch) Statistics of Tasmania. Pt. 3. Vital and Meteorological, 1940. Tasmania, Govt. Print. [1941].
3. Zinsser, H., Castaneda, M. R., and Mooser, H.: Department of Health: Health Organization in Australian Ports. Canberra, Govt. Print. [1928?] (Service Publication No. 39).
4. Zinsser, H., Castaneda, M. R., and Mooser, H.: Parliament: Report on the Administration of the Northern Territory for the Year 1939–40. Canberra, Govt. Print., 1941.
5. Zinsser, H., Castaneda, M. R., and Mooser, H.: Report of the Board of Inquiry Appointed to Inquire into the Land and Land Industries of the Northern Territory of Australia. Dated 10th October, 1937. Canberra, Govt. Print., 1937.