1. www.guidelines.gov U.S. federal health guidelines; contains links to a variety of medical care and evidence-based guidelines for many clinical problems, in addition to obstetrics.
2. www.ahrq.gov/ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality; contains clinical information, research findings, survey data, and funding opportunities.
3. www.uptodate.com Subscription program offering clinical information focused on primary care but also including a variety of other clinical specialties.
4. www.marchofdimes.com/peristats/ Excellent source of free access to national, state, and city maternal and infant health data; includes graphs, quick facts, maps, and state summaries.
5. www.aafp.org American Academy of Family Physicians; includes continuing medical education (CME) opportunities, clinical information, and links to the American Family Physician, Family Practice Management, and the Annals of Family Medicine.