1. † Supported in part by the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-A505–67 ER03948.
2. B. Povh, Nuclear Physics, A335 (1980) 233. TRIUMF Kaon Factory Workshop, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, August 13–14, 1979. E.V. Hungerford, LAMPF Workshop on Nuclear Structure with Intermediate Energy Probes, LASL Report, LA-8303-C, (1980) Proceedings of the International Conference on Hypernuclear and Low Energy Kaon Physics, Jablomma, Poland, September, 1979.
3. Member of groups of the Collaboration are from: Brookhaven National Laboratory, University of Houston, Carnegie-Mellon University, Torino, Vassar, and Peking.
4. Quarks and leptons
5. C.B. Dover, Meson-Nuclear Physics - 1979, AIP Conference Proceedings 54, 1979, E.V. Hungerford, editor.