1. M. Nicolae, C.Păun - Determination of the internal α-radioactive contamination on respiratory tractus by spute autoradiography, Rev.Roum.Phys. under press.
2. Alpha Particle Registration in Plastics and Its Applications for Radon and Neutron Personnel Dosimetry
3. On the use of solid state nuclear track detectors in reactor physics experiments
4. F. Spurny - Tracks of charged particles formed in polimers foils by fast neutrons; implications to fast neutron dosimetry, Proc. 8-th Int.Conf.Nucl. Photography and Solid State Track Detectors, Bucharest 1972, p. 353.
5. A. Dragu, M. Nicolae - Application du nitrate de cellulose à la dosimetrie des neutrons rapides, Proc. 8-th Int.Conf.Nucl.Photography and Solid State Track Detectors, Bucharest 1972, p.362.