1. ANDERSON, L.C., BROWNELL, L. E., LEWIS, J. G., MARTIN, J. J., et al. (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor), C0086, 90, 91, 124, 196, 198; AECU 2889, 2981; Chem. Engng. Progr. 50 (5), 249, 1954; Nucl. Engng. 62, 1954; International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Geneva 15, 235, 1955; Æod. Plast. 32 (7), 94, 1955.
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3. BALLANTINE, D.S., and MANOWITZ, B., B.N.L. 229, 1953 (Styrene, methyl methacrylate); B.N.L. 294, 1954 (Emulsion polymers, N vinylpyrollidone, fluorocarbons, solid state polymerization); B.N.L. 317, 1954 (N-vinyl pyrollidone).
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