1. D. W. HOLDER, H. H. PEARCEY, G. E. GADD and J. SEDDON. The interaction between shock waves and boundary layers, with a note on the effects of the interaction on the performance of supersonic intakes. A.R.C., C.P. 180 (1954).
2. D. R. CHAPMAN, M. KUEHN and K. LARSON. Investigation of separated flows in supersonic and subsonic streams with emphasis on the effect of transition. N.A.C.A., Rep. 1356 (1958).
3. S. M. BOGDONOFF. Some experimental studies of the separation of supersonic turbulent boundary layers. Paper presented at Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute, University of California at Los Angeles (1955).
4. R. J. HAKKINEN, I. GREBER, L. TRILLING and S. S. ABARBANEL. The interaction of an oblique shock wave with a laminar boundary layer. N.A.S.A., Memo 2–18-59W (1959).
5. G. E. GADD. Interactions between shock waves and boundary layers. Proceedings of Symposium on Boundary Layer Research (ed. H. Görtler), Freiburg, p. 239 (1957).