1. E. Lelièvre-Berna, Recent studies in magnetisation densities, Proceedings of the Sagamore XII Conference, Waskesu, Canada, 1997.
2. W. Heil, H. Humblot, D. Hofmann, I. Krasnoschekova, E.Lelièvre-Berna, A. Petoukhov, G. Petrov, A. Serebrov, F. Tasset, G. Valsky, Study of P- and T-noninvariance effects near p-wave neutron resonance, proceedings of the Polarised Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigations Workshop, Grenoble, France, 1998.
3. W. Heil, H. Humblot, D. Hofmann, I. Krasnoschekova, E. Lelièvre-Berna, A. Petoukhov, G. Petrov, A. Serebrov, F. Tasset, G. Valsky, Neutron optics p-violation effects near p-wave resonance, Proceedings of the Polarised Neutrons for Condensed Matter Investigations Workshop, Grenoble, France, 1998.
4. See http://www.ill.fr/YellowBook/D3/.
5. On the wavelength dependence of neutron monochromator reflectivities