Robust tuning of 2DoF five-parameter PID controllers for inverse response controlled processes


Alfaro Víctor M.,Vilanova Ramon


Elsevier BV


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,Computer Science Applications,Modeling and Simulation,Control and Systems Engineering

Reference21 articles.

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1. Optimal tracking control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle: A PMP approach;ISA Transactions;2023-12

2. A novel tuning approach with SSR algorithm for non-minimum phase system;International Journal of Dynamics and Control;2023-10-27

3. Fractional Order Internal Model PID Control for Pulp Batch Cooking Process;Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan;2023-05-10

4. Disturbance-observer-based finite time sliding mode controller with unmatched uncertainties utilizing improved cubature Kalman filter;Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control;2023-01-18

5. An enhancement in parallel cascade scheme for non-minimum phase system;International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control;2023







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