1. Acosta, José de, 1588–1589. De Natura Novi Orbis, first Latin ed., Salamanca. Repub. as: Historia Natural y Moral de las Indias, first Span. ed., Seville, 1590. Markham, C.R. (Ed.), 1604. The Natural and Moral History of the Indies, Eng. ed., Hakluyt Soc. Works, no. 60 and 61, 2 vols, 1880. Ref. v. 1, p. 235 (lib. IV, cap. 18).
2. L’Arachide;Andre;C. R. Acad. Agric. (France),1932
3. The romance of the peanut;Anon;Peanut Promoter,1918
4. Father of peanut industry is dead;Anon;Peanut Promoter,1918
5. Bauhini, Caspari (Bauhin, Gaspard), 1623. Pinax Theatric Botanici…Index in Theophrasti Dioscoridis Pliniiet Botanicorum…Opera: Plantarum…Basilae Helvet. Lib. III, sect. I, pp. 90–91, par XV, “Mandues,…”.