Physicians’ responsibility toward environmental degradation and climate change: A position paper of the European Federation of Internal Medicine


Campos LuísORCID,Barreto J. VascoORCID,Bassetti StefanoORCID,Bivol Monica,Burbridge Amie,Castellino Pietro,Correia João Araújo,Durusu-Tanriöver Mine,Fierbinteanu-Braticevici Carmen,Hanslik Thomas,Heleniak Zbigniew,Hojs RadovanORCID,Lazebnic Leonid,Mylona Maria,Raspe MatthiasORCID,Melo João Queirós e,Pietrantonio Filomena,Gans Reinold,Pálsson Runólfur,Montano Nicola,Gómez-Huelgas Ricardo,Dicker Dror


Elsevier BV


Internal Medicine

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