1. ASSE A., MANGIN P., WILLAEYS D. (1982) Assisted diagnosis using fuzzy information. Congrès NAFIP 1 - LOGAN U. S. A. - June 1982
2. ASSE A., MANGIN P., WILLAEYS D. (1983) Assisted diagnosis using fuzzy information. Congrès NAFIP 2 − 29–30 June and 1er July 1983 SCHENECTADY - NEW YORK
3. ASSE A., MANGIN P., WILLAEYS D. (1984) Assisted diagnosis using fuzzy information. Realization of interactivity in a system of assisted diagnosis based on fuzzy information. Naples meeting on “the matemactics of fuzzy systems” NAPOLI-ITALIE-June 1984
4. ASSE A., MANGIN P., WILLAEYS D. (1984) Assisted diagnosis using fuzzy information. Method of inverting equations of fuzzy relation with fuzzy sets. FIP 84 Conference HAWAIIAN ISLANDS - June 1984 Article à paraître dans le livre édité par BEZDEK “The analysis of fuzzy information” - CRC Volumes
5. ASSE A., MANGIN P., WILLAEYS D. (1985) Method of inverting equations of fuzzy relation with fuzzy sets.