1. Annual Report, Department of School Education & Literacy Department of Higher Education Ministry of Human Resource Development Government of India- 2012–2013. http://mhrd.gov.in/documents/term/82, Accessed 20.07.14.
2. A eleven judge constitution bench was required because after the 42nd Amendment, the subject of education was transferred to the Concurrent List from the State List under the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution.
3. Published in India- FICCI higher education in India: Twelfth five year plan (2012–2017) and beyond FICCI higher education Summit 2012;Ernst & Young Pvt. Ltd,2012
4. http://www.ugc.ac.in/about/genesis.html. Accessed 20.06.07.
5. Mujumdar, S., Director, Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning, Analysis of private university laws & recommendations for policy paper India Education Review. http://www.indiaeducationreview.com.